Sclerotherapy in Abu Dhabi: Say Goodbye to Varicose Veins

Many people are tired of their fat pockets, irregular swelling and blocking of veins in their legs Shed that excessive fat with exercise or diet. Such people end up being frustrated or irritated due to their obesity issues. Are you ready to get rid of those chubby and block-swell legs? To end your frustration, make an informed choice to turn your dream into reality. Now, you can contour your legs without fearing any side effects & remove the vein as you have ever desired. So don’t wait, choose Sclerotherapy in Abu Dhabi by Say Goodbye to Varicose Veins to get beneficial results. Read on to learn more!

Varicose veins:

Varicose Veins are swollen or twisted blood vessels. However, it usually occurs in the legs. This can cause pain, discomfort, and cosmetic issues. Varicose veins develop when the veins flaps become weaker or damaged. However, it leads to blood pooling in the veins and causing them to become enlarged and more twisted. Varicose is a common medical condition. Moreover,  it causes discomfort, pain, swelling and sometimes serious complications during walking.

Indications of Varicose veins:

Varicose veins treatment in Abu Dhabi indications are mentioned below:

  • An itchy and heavy feeling in the legs
  • Burning or hardness in veins
  • Change in the skin colour around the varicose vein
  • Swelling in the lower leg, ankle and feet
  • Muscle cramping and worse pain 
  • Discomfort in sitting and standing
  • Redness and clot in arms or other body part
  • Soreness behind the knees
  • Skin ulcer or open sores
  • Infection or injury in the veins


Sclerotherapy is a non-surgical and non-invasive process. It is the most effective way to treat varicose and spider veins. In this method, the chemical formula is directly infused into the vein. It takes a few days for the natural-looking results. The saline-concentrated solution treats the swelling of vein walls and seal shuts. The solution caused some irritation and swelling but the vessel became normal over time. Thus, scar tissue diminished.

How does it work?

Sclerotherapy is performed by an expert health provider in a particular environment. The targetted area is washed and properly cleaned. Then the saline formula is directly infused into the vein, using a fine needle. The number of veins and location depend on the session required. In a single session, limited veins have been targeted. Moreover, to minimise the risk of infection properly take care of the injected site.

The success rate of sclerotherapy:

Sclerotherapy is usually well-supported to most of the patients. About 50% to 80% success results are reported. Less than 8% to 10% of individuals are not responding after sclerotherapy. Almost 3 to 6 weeks are required to get the gainful results. Sometimes, it takes more than 2 months to show the beneficial outcomes. Although, The person may repeat the session in the case of dissatisfaction or consult the expert.

Good candidates for sclerotherapy:

The good candidates for sclerotherapy are mention below:

  • If you have swelling and blockage in your veins
  • An individual who is above 30 and below 60 is the best instance
  • Pregnant and nursing mothers are not good candidates
  • The person with an allergic issue is the worst instance
  • The nominee taking birth control pills and having a blood clotting issue

Preparation of sclerotherapy:

Firstly, prepare yourself for the treatment and have an initial consultation with the doctor to discuss everything. Following are a few preparations for surgery:

  • Get all the tests and evaluations before the start of the procedure 
  • Try to quit smoking and also avoid aspirin intake.
  • All medicines or herbal products should be stop.
  • Discuss the beneficial occurrences, and clear all the doubts stuck in your mind.
  • Limiting the amount of sugar and alcoholic beverages in your diet
  • Don’t shave your legs right before the treatment
  • Avoid using any lotion or chemical product applied to the skin

Procedural way:

  • Firstly, the patient lies on your back with slightly raised legs. 
  • The expert cleaned the treated area to minimise the infection risk
  • A small needle was use to fill the solution into the vein
  • It may irritate the leg and feel a tingling for a while.
  • The solution helps block the vein and redirect the blood flow to a healthy vein.
  • The expert applies pressure after applying the injection to spread the solution equally.
  • After that, the expert taped the pad on the injected site to keep pressure on that area.
  • The number of shots depends on blockage veins. 
  • Usually, 30 to 40 minutes are require to complete the session.

Post-procedure care:

Aftercare is important to get a favourable outcome the instructions given by the surgeons must be follow which are:

  • Try to wear loose and comfy clothes
  • Eat healthy and well-balanced food to recover fast
  • Drink plenty of water and add vitamin C to your diet
  • Take vitamin E and B-complex supplements
  • Avoid any intense activity like running, swimming or exercise for a few weeks
  • Take care of the incision otherwise the risk of infection will be increas
  • A little redness and swelling are at the peak for 3 to 4 days.
  • Don’t smoke, It reduces the blood flow and disturbs the healing procedure.

Benefits of sclerotherapy:

The benefits associated withsclerotherapy for varicose veins treatment are describe below:

  • Improvement in appearance
  • More active lifestyle and better sleep quality
  • Eliminate pain and reduce swelling
  • Increase blood flow and optimal digestion
  • Lessen risk of paralysis and heart attack
  • Long-term and permanent results
  • Smooth walk and improved mobility
  • Cost-effective and immediate procedure

Side effects of sclerotherapy:

The side effects associated with the process are mention below:

  • Lumpy or harder veins for 2 to 3 weeks
  • Redness and swelling for a few weeks
  • Allergic reaction in the treated area
  • Inflammation ans small ulcers

Average cost of Sclerotherapy:

The average cost of sclerotherapy for varicose vein treatments is quite affordable & cost-effective. The factors Impacting the cost are outline below:

  • Location of the clinic
  • Expertise & reputation of the surgeon 
  • Desired outcomes 
  • Number of sessions
  • Injection types and required shots
  • Expectations of the patient 
  • Treated area and treatment option
  • Type of anaesthesia and specialist fee

Love your body again: Choose us:

At Enfield Royal Clinic, Abu Dhabi, we are offering:

  • Safe and efficient treatment of varicose veins
  • Out procedure helps to regain confidence
  • Our doctor is more accurate in their diagnosis
  • We used the most advanced and innovative technology according to the treatment demand
  • A tailored plan is prepare that suits the unique needs of the customer
  • We discuss the symptoms with our experienced surgeon and team of experts.
  • A range of procedures are offer to the patient. Therefore, the customer chooses an option based on their objective and financial position.
  • Our expert performed the procedure under local anaesthesia. 
  • The patient can resume their daily routine in no time.

Book your slot:

A team of experts, surgeons, dermatologists, specialists and many more. Over the experiences of more than 15 years are waiting for you under one roof. We provide the best service to our customers. Book your slot for sclerotherapy in Abu Dhabi and Say Goodbye to Varicose Veins. Get a free initial consultation along with 24*7 emergency services.

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