Cleaning Water in the Pool

Cleaning and disinfection of water in the pool-cleaning water in a pool at a summer house or in a country house is a complex technology based on the use of a set of methods that allow removing contaminants of various origins. The fundamental difference between water treatment for drinking and household needs is that the water in the pool is a significant volume without constant renewal, it is not flowing. This leads to the accumulation of contaminants from the source and the ingress of sand, dust, leaves, and fluff. A separate problem is the “blooming” of water in the pool, caused by the proliferation of algae. In addition, water with iron and manganese often enters the pool, which ultimately leads to a change in color, the appearance of odor, turbidity, and sediment.

Pool filters

Pool filters are devices that require periodic water pumping to remove contaminants by mechanically intercepting them or using a combination of methods. The most common types of filters are:

  • with quartz sand– they capture mechanical impurities, dust particles, and mucus clots well, and partially reduce the concentration of iron;
  • cartridge filters – combined filters with membrane cleaning, some models may use carbon inserts and containers with softeners.

Combine periodic pumping of water through the filter with pool disinfection and the removal of iron, algae, mucus, and bacteria.

Water purification from iron and manganese

Brown water in the pool is the result of high iron and manganese content, which is very familiar to residents and summer residents in Tver. Sometimes a greenish tint can be a sign of this type of pollution. To remove impurities of metallic origin, reagents are used that can be added directly to the water or used in a filter. Methods for removing iron and manganese that are recognized as the most effective:

  • filtration using reverse osmosis technology, which allows you to retain most of the contaminants and filter out metal particles;
  • Ion exchange technology involves water passing through a special filter cartridge that comes into contact with resins. This process captures metal ions and replaces them with sodium cations, providing an additional water softening effect.
  • Oxidizing reagent technology – water is passed through a tank with hypochlorite. Where oxidation and precipitation of metals occur, followed by filtration.

The selection of technology is individual since the methods have different efficiency, and if chosen incorrectly, they can have the effect of secondary pollution. Modern filters can use a complex method of step-by-step cleaning.

Water softening for swimming pool

Complex water purification in the pool includes softening – removal of insoluble salts present in the form of microparticles. Depending on the type of salts and the general hardness index, you should use filter cartridges containing special substances that remove salts into the sediment for subsequent filtration. To select the means, it is recommended to conduct a water analysis.

Disinfection and disinfection of water in the pool

People commonly use two methods to remove biological contaminants from pool water.

  • Chlorination. Stabilized chlorine is added to the water. Which does not break down for a long time and suppresses the activity of microorganisms. If there is excessive stabilization, the water may acquire a smell and a characteristic greenish, azure hue. The chlorine stabilizer accumulates in the water, so you should periodically completely renew the contents of the pool.
  • Use of compositions containing hydrogen peroxide. Perhydrol cleans water well from microorganisms, quickly neutralizes, and leaves no traces that give the effect of smell and color.

To achieve a full effect, it is better to combine disinfection and decontamination with periodic filtration through a sand, membrane, and carbon filter under pressure.

Green water in the pool – causes and solutions

What to do if the water in the pool turns green? First, look for the cause, and there may be several:

  • algae – microscopic and larger plants can create a cloudy, and sometimes quite transparent suspension. Is distinguished by its characteristic slightly yellowish tint.
  • violation of the chemical balance of chlorine (more than 0.3-0.6 mg/l) or violation of pH, which should be maintained in the range of 7.0-7.4;
  • super stabilization – we described it above, but let us remind you that this is the result of using compositions with stabilized chlorine, which has the property of accumulating in water;
  • presence of iron – greenish but clear water may have a characteristic iron taste and smell. Leaving a brown coating on the walls and bottom of the pool.

Depending on the source and composition of the contamination. We select a method for eliminating the problem, ranging from filtration and disinfection to the removal of iron, super-stabilized chlorine, and other impurities.

Cloudy water in the pool – we find the reasons and remove the turbidity

Cloudy water in the pool is a sign of probable bacterial contamination. PH imbalance, incorrect filter operation, alkalization, or increased hardness.

  • When the pH increases to 7.8, calcium carbonate precipitates, which leads to the formation of suspension and turbidity. A similar effect occurs when the alkalinity of water increases.
  • When the calcium content in water is high (calcified water from wells) and the temperature rises above 28 C, the water becomes “chalky” due to the calcium passing from a dissolved state to a suspension.
  • Excessive or shock chlorination without stabilizers – can cause a turbidity effect for about a day. Eliminated by filtration.

To eliminate and prevent turbidity, it is necessary to periodically disinfect and sanitize the pool, soften the water, and monitor the pH and chlorination levels.

Chemicals for swimming pools – cleaning, disinfection, turbidity removal products

Pool water purification products from leading manufacturers:

  • multi-component powders with softeners that can reduce the level of chlorination and eliminate turbidity in water;
  • one-component powders for regulating pH in the pool;
  • liquid compositions for complex water purification;
  • Liquid and powder calcium removers.

Some of the proposed compositions come with test strips for quick analysis of water pH. Users can apply multicomponent compositions for deep cleaning and complex water treatment processes. Before using the products, we recommend analyzing the composition of the water and getting advice from a specialist. You can buy products for cleaning, disinfection, and disinfection of a pool in Tver wholesale and retail.

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